The Power of Internal Branding

In an increasingly digital world, direct contact with other people is being lost. Companies are making great efforts to create and promote their identity. Still, physical experience is still relevant in the relationship with customers, and our employees are the main visible face of the company, and the most reliable and credible source to speak with our organization. That is why it is essential to listen to them and motivate them since they are in charge of inspiring and guiding our clients.


A brand founder said:

“Customers are not the first thing; the employees come first. If you take care of them, they will take care of your customers. “


Internal Branding focuses on communicating to employees the brand culture, the experience of belongingness to your company. Each company has its own identity, a culture that shapes it and constitutes it as a brand. Internal communication has much to learn from your older brother, which is external communication. If Marketing is fundamental to customer loyalty, its strategies can help your workers internalize the image and value proposition of the brand, in the same way, that your clients, investors, and suppliers do.


Companies need to be able to connect with their employees, communicate efficiently with them, involve them in the project and build an adequate company culture. Therefore, internal communication is not a speaker or a panel to post news, but an opportunity to create the common space in which workers can develop as professionals and as people.


Defining Internal Branding

The internal branding must be understood as an experience, a narrative in which we involve our workers. We must give the brand, a participatory, dynamic role that speaks of something more than business that connects with the interests of employees.

An efficient internal communication aligns, motivates and courses the workers. It is useless to invest in marketing if the information is not assimilated, because they are in charge of transmitting the information and experience to the client.

The key is to get employees proud to be part of your organization. Branding is the things you do to connect the business strategy with the consumer experience and turn it into preference and loyalty.

New practices and strategies are developed every day to increase customer satisfaction, and one of the ones that have recently gained relevance and attention is internal branding. Internal Branding refers to all the practices that are carried out within the company so that employees adopt the principles, values, ​​and brand of the company in which they work, and then transmit them to the client. Few companies realize the significance of internal branding in their financial performance. Employees are those who transmit and sell the brand, not the advertising or the ads.


The correct selection and implementation of Internal Branding Strategies within the company brings multiple benefits, such as:

  1. It creates a personal and emotional connection between the staff and the brand.
  • It is important to train and induce employees about the values ​​and promises that the brand represents so that they understand them and manage to identify with them. A loyal employee recommends and sells the brand
  1. An employee who feels part of the organization increases their participation and commitment in the actions necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives of the company.
  • Motivated employees are able to give a positive experience and in line with the principles of the brand to customers, which can create a distinction and preference of the brand over the competition. In the long term, this attracts new consumers to the company and reinforces the loyalty of current customers.
  1. A company with a strong and recognized brand attracts better talent and retains it longer.
  • A study revealed that young people and executives are willing to work in companies with strong and respected brands for a lower salary than they would require companies that don’t have a strong brand.


Assessing the Outcome

As the motto of the company HP says. “You can’t improve what you don’t measure and in general what you measure improves.” For branding to have an impact on the performance of the organization, it is necessary to know the initial situation in which the company is located. This allows selecting and implementing an adequate internal strategy that generates the highest results and benefits, which logically must be measured and evaluated for its constant improvement and that of the company.


Gain insights into how your employees feel about your Brand and equip them with the tools and knowledge they need. Talk to Jerome Joseph about how you can grow your Brand from within. Email us at or Call us at +6592716973.